
This command returns the maximum sizes of command and response frames that the reader can send and receive. This information is indicated by 3 return values: MaxSendSize, MaxRecvSize, and TotalSize . They're determined by the firmware.

You need to comply with all 3 values in your application: It's not enough if the command frame size and the expected response frame size are each smaller than or equal to MaxSendSize and MaxRecvSize, respectively. Their combined frame size must not exceed TotalSize either. If all 3 values are < 128 bytes, you don't need to use Sys_GetBufferSize because this is the minimum size that all BALTECH readers support.


Parameters (request frame)


Returned values (response frame)

Name Type/Size Description
MaxSendSize Integer (16 bits) Maximum number of bytes in command frame
MaxRecvSize Integer (16 bits) Maximum number of bytes in response frame
TotalSize Integer (16 bits) Maximum number of bytes in command and response frame combined